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UC San Diego is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), a regional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Accreditation is an essential process that ensures institutions meet standards of quality, accountability, and continuous improvement. It validates the integrity of academic programs, promotes effective educational practices, and assures the public and stakeholders—such as students, families, and employers—that the institution delivers a high-quality education. WSCUC accreditation also ensures institutional eligibility for federal funding, including student access to federal financial aid programs.
Accredited since 1964, UC San Diego undergoes periodic reviews to confirm compliance with WSCUC's standards for academic quality and educational effectiveness. The accreditation process promotes continuous improvement through institution-wide reflection and self-study while evaluating structures, resources, and programs.
UC San Diego’s most recent reaffirmation of accreditation occurred in February 2020, and the next accreditation cycle will take place in 2029-30.
Review Cycle:
All institutions must demonstrate compliance with WSCUC’s Standards, which include (1) defining their institutional mission and acting with integrity, (2) achieving educational objectives and fostering student success, (3) assuring adequate resources and effective organizational structures, and (4) creating an institution committed to quality assurance and continuous improvement. To learn more, visit the UC San Diego Accreditation website.