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Undergraduate Academic Advising Council Committees

Advising Handbook Committee

The UAAC Advising Handbook Committee is responsible for updating and maintaining the Academic Advising Handbook for all College and Department/Program advisors on Confluence as well as suggesting best practices across units regarding College and Department/Program procedures. The committee is required to communicate with both T&PD and EIC at least once a year regarding any updates (training or electronic) that need to be made to the Advising Handbook.


2024-25 Members
Ruby Victoria Revelle College Co-Chair
Katherine Zamora Visual Arts Co-Chair
Kelly Guerriero Sixth College
Isabela (Bela) Ibarra Biological Sciences
Joje Reyes-Alonzo Muir College
Alex Vargas Revelle College 
Caitlyn Vilar Seventh College

Agenda Committee

In coordination with the DUE, the Agenda Committee is responsible for the planning and development of agenda items for UAAC monthly meetings and for the electronic distribution of meeting agendas. The committee meets regularly as needed throughout the academic year.


2024-25 Members
Robert Lopez History Co-Chair
Eleanor (Elly) Vogt Study Abroad Co-Chair
Sophia Davidson Marshall College
Oscar Montoya Sixth College

Committee on Committees

The Committee on Committees is responsible for the annual call of UAAC committee assignments, which typically occurs in the Spring.  It is the responsibility of the Committee on Committees to ensure that every UAAC Committee has as broad a representation from diverse units.  The committee also solicits nominations to appoint UAAC members to existing campus committees, and maintains the uaac-l listserv and website member listing.


2024-25 Members
John Cavoulas Warren College Co-Chair
Kristin Guzman Seventh College Co-Chair
Tracy Cruz Warren College
Sharon Harvey Chemical and Nano Engineering
Melissa Olmeda Psychology
Rodney Pritchard Mathematics

Department and Program Leadership Committee

Formerly the leadership positions of the Organization of Department and Program Advisors (ODAPA), the Department and Program Leadership Committee will be made up of department and program advisors who will help guide the direction of advising, representing department and program interests. The Department and Program Leadership Committee will collaborate with the Academic Advising Program Director (AAPD) on department and program training needs. This committee will raise department and program specific concerns to the AAPD and the Dean of Undergraduate Education and provide feedback. Members of this committee will also be available to new advisors for 1:1 consultation, as needed.

2024-25 Members
Shey Andrada Psychology
Chad Baldwin Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Courtney Campbell School of Arts & Humanities Dean's Office
Hale Daigle Chemistry & Biochemistry
Annie DeLoach Academic Integrity Office
Sharon Harvey Chemical and Nano Engineering
Laura Majoch Biological Sciences
Lynn Phillips Triton Testing Center
Zachary Reed Athletics / Scholar-Athlete Success
Camille Sta Elena Biological Sciences
Amy Tran Biological Sciences
Karen Van Ness Chancellor's Associates Scholars Program
Lindsay Velasquez Biological Sciences
Alia Welch Partida Human Developmental Sciences


Electronic Information Committee

The purpose of the AAEIC is to:

  • Provide a forum for consultation and dissemination of campus technology initiatives impacting Academic Advising at UC San Diego.
  • Assist and facilitate in bringing the technology needs of the Academic Advising Community to technology and administrative leaders.
  • Act as a resource and communication hub for Academic Advisors with regards to technology and engage with the advising community to determine training and professional development needs as related to technology.
  • Act as a resource for technology project implementations specific to the UC San Diego Advising community.


This committee is on hiatus for 2024-25.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Learning Community

The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Learning Community will create opportunities for engagement with common readings and discussion groups around topics of equity, diversity, and inclusion and how it relates to advising. Formerly a book club out of the Training and Professional Development Committee, this committee would create additional year-round opportunities for advisors to engage with articles, books, and other media. Their events would create an inclusive community to discuss EDI impacts on advising.


2024-25 Members
Cindy Alvarez Mathematics
Daniel Carrillo Jr. Academic Senate
Nadia Espinoza Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Mya D. Hines Muir College
Claire Sun Seventh College
Lizzie Thayer Academic Integrity Office

Social and Morale Committee

The Social and Morale Committee will plan team-building activities, social events, and morale boosters for the UAAC community, with at least one event each quarter. The committee will meet regularly as needed throughout the academic year. This committee will have limited or no budget, creating an opportunity for members to show their creativity and enthusiasm.

2024-25 Members
Sheriyan Bradford Black Diaspora and African American Studies
John Cavoulas Warren College
Shina Luu Seventh College
Kristi MacKenzie Psychology
Shawnessy Negrotto Sixth College
Alex Reyes Eighth College

Training and Professional Development Committee

In coordination with the DUE, the Training and Professional Development committee is responsible for researching, evaluating, and advertising currently available training and professional development opportunities to UAAC members, as well as recommending and assisting in the development of future training initiatives. The committee meets regularly throughout the academic year and may include ex officio members as needed. 


2024-25 Members
Kelly Davin Mathematics Chair
Hale Daigle Chemistry
Christina Durbin Rady Business
Alyssa Patricio Muir College
Bianca Poveda Biological Sciences
Haille Thomas Biological Sciences
Erin Nicole Vedar Sixth College