Serving our Students
The colleges are dedicated to serving students along all dimensions: academic, social, and developmental. The colleges help students thrive as they create an opportunity to make the university experience more personal and approachable. The college system allows students to experience the advantages that come with being at an R1 research institution while being part of a smaller community through their college affiliation. Students can study ANY UC San Diego major at ANY college. Classes are taught throughout the campus and include students from all of the colleges.
Each college has:
- Its own intellectual theme that is aligned with their general education requirements
- Student government
- Organizations
- Traditions
- Special events
In the colleges, Academic and Student Affairs collaborate closely. Multiple units work together to serve our students:
What is a Provost?
- The provost is the administrative head of the college
- A member of the UC San Diego faculty
- Oversees all college units
- Interfaces externally though committees and other campus units
- The Council of Provosts meets regularly to discuss issues of relevance to the colleges and undergraduate education
Each college’s academic program is led by a teaching professor, who is a member of the Academic Senate. The program directors participate in an inter-college council of writing directors. As academic units, the colleges each define a unique general education curriculum. Each college's curriculum is a mixture of college-specific courses and courses completed in other academic departments and programs.
College Academic Advising is led by the Dean of Academic Advising and staffed by a team of advising professionals. The college advisors provide general advising, advising on general education requirements, and monitor student progress. The college advising teams interface externally with departmental advisors and the Academic Senate. The Council of Deans of Academic Advising meets regularly to discuss advising and student issues that inform advising across the colleges.
College Student Affairs is led by the Dean of Student Affairs and staffed by a team of Student Affairs professionals. Student Affairs is responsible for the college’s co-curricular component. They oversee a variety of student organizations and programs. They also provide support for students in need, and interface with central Student Affairs, Counselling and Psychological Services, and other student-support units. The Council of Deans of Student Affairs meets regularly to discuss student support that inform student affairs processes across the colleges.
Residential Life is led by the Director of Residential Life/Associate Dean of Student Affairs. The director oversees college residences, plans programming for college residents, trains and oversees student resident advisors and house advisors, and participates in the Council of Directors of Residential Life.