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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Requirement (DEI)

A knowledge of diversity, equity, and inclusion is required of all candidates for a Bachelor's degree who begin their studies at UC San Diego in lower-division standing in Fall 2011 or thereafter, or in upper-division standing in Fall 2013 or thereafter.

Definition of Terms:

Diversity refers to the variety of personal experiences, values, and worldviews that arise from differences of culture and circumstance. Such differences include race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, language, abilities/disabilities, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and geographic region. 

Equity is the guarantee of fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all students, faculty, and staff, while at the same time striving to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full participation of marginalized groups.

Inclusion is the act of creating environments in which any individual or group can feel welcomed, respected, supported, and valued.

Current List of DEI Approved Courses: 

Please check the UCSD catalog for details on when courses are offered.

For Students- DEI Course Offerings Per Quarter

Here is the projected list of DEI courses for the Spring 2025 Quarter.
Courses are contingent upon enrollments. 


Course # Course Title Instructor Dept.
AAS10R Intro/African-American Studies Butler, Elizabeth Annette           AAS 
AAS170R Legacies of Research           Butler, Elizabeth Annette           AAS 
ANTH10 Climate Justice                Stewart, Alexander B                ANTH
ANTH105 Climate Change, Race,& Inequal Rabinowitz, Dan                     ANTH
ANTH21 Race and Racisms               Stone, Annika Britt                 ANTH
ANTH23 Debating Multiculturalism      Stone, Annika Britt                 ANTH
ANTH4 Intro to Linguistic Anthro     Yeh, Rihan Wen Xin                  ANTH
ASTR60 Antiracism in Physics & Astro  Burgasser, Adam Jonathan            ASTR
AWP10R Lang&Learning in American Acad Gocsik, Karen Marie                 AWP 
CGS105 Queer Theory                   Wesling, Megan E.                   CGS 
CGS112 Sexuality & Nation             Cuong, Marisol                      CGS 
COGS2 Cognitive NeuroEconomics       Boyle, Mary E. T.                   COGS
COMM10 Introduction to Communication  Whitworth-Smith, Andrew C           COMM
COMM102C MMPP: Media & Design Practicum Campion, Camille E                  COMM
COMM155 Latinx Space, Place & Culture  Pavon Aramburu, Maria Laur          COMM
COMM30 Digital Media Literacy         Metcalf, Kathryne Young             COMM
DOC100D Promises&Contradictions/USCult Pass, Natalye                       DOC 
DOC100D Promises&Contradictions/USCult Pass, Natalye                       DOC 
EDS117 Language, Culture & Education  Jones, Makeba                       EDS 
EDS117 Language, Culture & Education  Pending EDS 
EDS125 Hist,Polic&Theory/Bilingual Ed Aragon, Maria Jose                  EDS 
EDS126 Social Organization/Education  Jones, Makeba                       EDS 
EDS130 Intro/Acad Ment/Elem Schl Stdn Mendez, Kathrina Mendoza            EDS 
EDS133 Counsel, Mentor, Advise (P-12) Bintliff, Amy S.V.                  EDS 
EDS136 Intro/Acad Tut/Second Schl Std Hemans, Patricia Ann Benitez        EDS 
EDS145 Arts Across the Curriculum     Choi, Bailey Miyeon                 EDS 
ETHN110 Wrld Views/Indigenous America  Klann, Mary Cameron                 ETHN
ETHN112C California Native Am. History  Frank, Ross H.                      ETHN
ETHN127 Sexuality & Nation             Cuong, Marisol                      ETHN
ETHN142 Medcn/Race&Globl Poli/Inequity Wilson, Brenda K                    ETHN
ETHN182 Race, Gender, Sexuality Sci Fi Streeby, Shelley                    ETHN
ETHN30 Intro Chicanx & Latinx Studies Fuste, Jose Ignacio                 ETHN
ETHN3R R-Intro: Making Culture        Okonkwo, Holly                      ETHN
HDS175 PowerWealth&Inequality/HumDev  Pending HDS 
HILD2C United States History          Hendrickson, Gerald M.              HIST
HILD7B Race & Ethnicity/United States Martinez-Matsuda, Veronica          HIST
LATI10 Lat Amer Studies&US Liberation Kennemore, Amy Michelle             LATI
LIGN8 Languages & Cultures/America   McIntosh, Justin                    LING
LTEN181 Asian American Literature      Mukherjee, Silpa                    LIT 
LTEN185 Themes/Afro-Americn Literature Childs, Dennis R.                   LIT 
LTEN28 Intr/Asian-American Literature Suzuki, Erin M.                     LIT 
MGT18 Managing Diverse Teams         McKay, Michael J                    RSM 
MGT18 Managing Diverse Teams         McKay, Michael J                    RSM 
MGT18 Managing Diverse Teams         McKay, Michael J                    RSM 
MGT18 Managing Diverse Teams         Chamberlain, Travis Dean            RSM 
MUS150 Jazz & Music/African Diaspora  Roberts, Matana                     MUS 
MUS17 Hip-Hop                        Pending MUS 
MUS19R Blacktronika: Afrofuturism     Britt, King James                   MUS 
MUS8 American Music: Jazz Cultures  Smythe, Cory Benjamin               MUS 
PHIL155 Mexican Philosophy             Tolley, Clinton                     PHIL
POLI100O Perspectives on Race           Boehmer, Alison Paige               POLI
POLI150A Politics of Immigration        Wong, Tak Kei                       POLI
PSYC127 Sexual Inequities & Wellbeing  Dickenson, Janna Alene              PSYC
PSYC131 Scientific Racism              Anagnostaras, Stephan               PSYC
SOCI111 Local Lives, Global Problems   Ribas Norris, Janet Vanesa          SOC 
SOCI117 Language, Culture & Education  Jones, Makeba                       SOC 
SOCI117 Language, Culture & Education  Pending SOC 
SOCI125M Soc/Refugee, Asylum, Migration Fitzgerald, David S                 SOC 
SOCI126 Social Organization/Education  Jones, Makeba                       SOC 
SOCI138 Genetics and Society           Ruiz, Jonathan Joseph               SOC 
SOCI139 Socl Inequal:Class,Race,Gender Ribas Norris, Janet Vanesa          SOC 
SOCI139A Race and Racism in America     Estefan, Michel                     SOC 
SOCI140J Sociology of Social Justice    Estefan, Michel                     SOC 
SOCI151 Social Movements               Goldman, Harvey Stern               SOC 
SOCI2 The Study of Society           Payne, Christine Anna               SOC 
TMC15 Public Service in America      Hemans, Patricia Ann Benitez        TMC 
USP1 History/US Urban Communities   Kwak, Nancy                         USP 
USP3 City and Social Theory         Wickland, Teo Akande                USP 
VIS102 Democratizing the City         Cruz, Edwin Teddy                   VIS 
VIS152D IdentityThruTransnationalCinem Wardwell, Mariana Razo              VIS 



For Faculty- DEI Course Requirement Information

DEI Call for Courses

Faculty are encouraged to submit courses for consideration to fulfill the DEI requirement. Courses must fulfill three governing categories (frameworks, subject matter, and pedagogy) in order to satisfy the DEI requirement. For Faculty interested in creating or submitting a course for DEI approval, please visit the Academic Senate website for course submission.