Preparing for the Program Review
Preparing for the review is important. While program review occurs every 7-8 years, units are encouraged to routinely engage in a process of assessment for continuous improvement. During program review, units are asked to report on program learning outcomes as well as curricular improvements introduced in response to their assessment findings.
What to Expect:
- At the end of winter quarter, the Undergraduate Council (UGC) will send out a notification to units that are up for review.
- During the spring quarter, the Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) will schedule an informational meeting with units to discuss the timeline, unit preparations, the self-study, available data, and the site visit.
- Unit members who participate in writing the self-study will complete the required data training.
- Those who complete the data training will receive access to the unit's data dashboards.
- From spring quarter to the start of the following winter quarter, units will work on composing their self-study report.
- During the winter quarter, the unit will submit the self-study and finalized the site visit schedule.
- Site visits take place in late winter or during the spring (depending on unit and review committee availability).
How to Prepare:
- Review the self-study guidelines
- Note that the self-study now asks units to discuss several questions related to inclusive pedagogy and student outcomes, questions such as:
- Please outline steps the program has taken, or that are planned, to create an inclusive departmental climate that promotes academic success for all students.
- Please comment on any academic equity gaps that exist between students based on racial or socioeconomic status.
- Please comment on how your program has responded to any academic equity gaps or how you plan to respond, moving forward.
- Think about the data you might need to address these questions
- Connect with the DUE to get access to your data dashboards (email Hailey Caraballo:
- Think about the assessment work required to address these questions
- Connect with the DUE to set up a consultation meeting to discuss available resources and guidance for assessment work (email Hailey Caraballo:
Using Assessment in Program Review:
- Program Review: Reviews examine strengths and opportunities for improvement of a unit and focus on several factors; e.g. improvement based on data, addressing opportunity gaps, regular assessment, planning, etc.
- Assessment: Assessment is an iterative process to support the continuous improvement of a program. Collecting and disaggregating outcomes data, we ask how effective the program is not on average, but specifically for students of distinct racial, economic, social, and educational backgrounds.
Since assessment is an ongoing process, Program Review serves as an opportunity to highlight key assessment findings and share how the program approaches continuous improvement.

The Assessment Cycle: refers to assessments done during the time between program reviews. Units are likely already doing some sort of assessment. Units may move through the assessment cycle at different rates, nevertheless, it is recommended that units complete two full assessment 'cycles' between each program review.
The goal during each cycle should be focused on student success, where assessment leads to making data-informed and measurable change- including gaps in retention, reducing time to degree & creating an inclusive campus.
Organizing your Timeline
Academic units may move through the assessment cycle at different rates, nevertheless, it is recommended that units complete two full assessment 'cycles' during the period between each program review.
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